Level 1 Umpire Course
As you may or may not have realised, our umpire resources were tested to the limits last season. We have therefore
decided to get an umpire, level 1, course setup.
We’ve booked Moulton Village Hall for 23rd & 30th June for this course.
7.00pm – 10.00pm on both nights.
The cost is £50 which covers course materials, tutor fee and room hire.
There is a registration form at http://www.northantshockey.co.uk/forms/L1.htm
It is essential that we get more people qualified as a level 1 umpire by the start of next season to ensure that we have enough umpires to cover all our games. In an average week we need 12 umpires to cover all our games, home and away. Please do your bit