Club Open Day a Success!

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Saturday 21st August saw the first Northampton Hockey club open day. The aim of this was to provide both a fun day for the club, and give potential new members the opportunity to see what the club was about and join in with us on the hockey pitch.

The day was broken into several sections. The juniors started the day with around 25 children aged from 3-11 joining in on a training session followed by some small matches. A number of new juniors had come along some who were playing hockey for the very first time. All had a great time and enjoyed the experience.


Next up were the adults and badgers: This session was focused on basic skills and enabled some of the new players to learn some basic hockey skills. Once this was over the main hockey match of the day took centre stage. The mens 2s/3s and 4s had a friendly ‘demonstration’ match. Some great hockey was seen throughout, with the game being played at a strong pace. There was some great play from both teams, but it was the side in black that took the honours 4-2. Tom Warburton giving that side the attacking edge; although Dermot Cassidy did try hard to even the balance by giving a P-flick away with a foot on the goal line.


To finish the day a mixed match was organised for the players that were involved in the earlier training session. This was a good fun game, which saw James Knibb and NHC new boy Antony Pearce frustratingly beaten by a girl (Amie Hone!) and young Maddy Wightman beating Paul Madeley to score much to the delight of the spectators!


A big thanks goes out to all those that helped throughout the day, especially to Robyn Wright who worked hard to provide everyone with burgers and sausages. Finally a big thank you goes to everyone who turned up, and joined in on the day.


By Jon Keep

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