Restructuring – April Fool
This year’s April Fool’s Prank….
“After 8 months of negotiation, Andy Dale and Martin Wilkes have signed a 3-year deal with Allan Robson of Saints Rugby Club. The deal means that all members effectively become members of the Rugby club. Mr Robson commented that “…members, although under no pressure to play rugby…would be welcomed into the sport.” Hockey activities would taper down over the next season as players transfer across to rugby training and teams. The remaining hockey teams would be few and would effectively be social sides.
Mr Dale commented on the deal by saying “goalkeepers would be the hardest hit as they have invested the most in terms of equipment. ” Further he joked that “…the Mens 3s would make the easiest transition with the style they play not being far from the quality of rugby that the Saints play!”
There have been a range of reactions from members, with some stating categorically that they would be quitting, while most members saying that it was positive to the development of sport in Northamptonshire. Mr Robson commented that ladies would be most welcome into Saints rugby club, being able to choose the Touch version or full contact rugby.
Mr Dave Kelly said “Junior players would need to buy the new rugby uniforms, but there would be a hockey stick auction for other clubs to enter, to help offset equipment change”. Mr Del Bowie, a well known hockey/rugby player told reporters that the club would be training up at Moulton College rugby pitches.”
Several people were fooled by this. Dan Burge contacted me wanting to be a hooker, but was sent away disappointed when told his lipstick was too bright. Ross McLean had already bought a pocket of oranges for half time snacks. You guys must always check what date it is when it seems too good to be true!!!!
The acting Mens 3s captain, Del Bowie, vehemently defended his team by saying that they don’t back chat. But, when explained it was only an April Fool’s joke, sniggered and even started to lighten up at the end of the phone call…