Match reports from 11th February

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Ladies 1st XI 2-2 Liverpool Sefton

Goals: Emma Cave, Amie Hone


Five months and Saints ladies 1’s get their first point on the board. An early and icy start to the day saw the team travel to Liverpool. Despite the arctic conditions in Northamptonshire it was balmy up north.

With the team keen to change their fortunes they went out hard and fast with an early goal from a persistent attack leading to 5 penalty corners in a row, the fifth brought a goal for Emma Cave. The teams were quite evenly matched with play going end to end. A raft of penalty corners against Saints and the score was one all at half time.

More commitment in the tackles and to keep our heads whilst those around us lost theirs was the half time focus. This was put into practice with excellent affect by Clare Sibley, Amie Hone and Sally Jones making some fantastic tackles. Liverpool scored to take the score to 2-1 but Saints kept calm. In the last ten minutes Emma Cave weaved through a couple of defenders to set Amie Hone up for a strike, a save and a second strike taking the score to 2:2. For the final 5 minutes Saints worked extremely hard to keep possession and slow the opposition down. A match saving, full pitch run, by Lottie Tully and a tackle at the end of it kept the game at a draw for the final whistle. The team celebration could have been mistaken for a win!

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