Olympic Blast – Day 2

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Following on the success of the first day of the Olympic Blast, the Junior Section assembled for the next chapter of Olympic history. With 3 events signed off in their Olympic Passport, the players were hungry for more.

The competition now elevated to the Hockey Skills challenge where players were required to demonstrate their Olympian prowess in: aerials, slalom dribbling and precision flicking:

Flick Precision













Anthony Walder was the victor in the flick competition (shown below with his winning medal).

Flick victor













The aerial contest was great fun with some great lobs and was finally won by Lewis Moran (shown below with his medal):

Aerial victor













The slalom dribble was the most energetic and hotly contested event with all the players shaving seconds off to try and set the world record.

Slalom action













A special mention to Connor Wright who came in with the silver, but he was pipped to the post by Harry York (shown below with his medal):

Slalom victor













The day culminated with some excellent BBQ food, expertly cooked by Robyn Wright and then everybody rushed into a frenetic game of Unihoc. We also need to give a special mention to James Kendrick who won the Tiny hitting competition. A big thanks to all the volunteers who helped: Andrew Kendrick, Chris Godman, Jasmine Banks, Del Bowie and Robyn Wright…

Next week we turn our attention to the mini-marathon, badminton, tennis, rowing , cycling and football. We will be manning a monster number of stations and need a lot of volunteers. Actvities kick off at 9.00 with the Mini-marathon (2012m of sheer pace) and culminate at 14.00.


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