Come along and watch the Men’s 1st team vs. Milton Keynes

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Saints Men’s 1stXI take on Milton Keynes tomorrow (Saturday 25th Aug) at Moulton College Water based pitch. A great start in training and their first friendly has led to a very positive squad atmosphere with new players being invited to training each week. New coach Jon Noble takes his first look at the squad in action tomorrow as more debut games are handed out. With the Tuesday squad already expanding from 15 to 20 + in the space in two weeks, competition for places is hotting up and those senior payers of seasons past will be looking over their shoulders.


Please come down and support the first team as they continue their preparation for the coming season. Push back is 12:15 and the squad will be going to the Whyte Melville in Boughton afterwards – it would be great if you could come and join us!


Men's 1s score

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