Level 1 Umpire Course on Sunday 17th February

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Northampton HC will be running a Level 1 Umpire Course on Sunday 17thFebruary at Moulton Sports Complex (11am-4pm).

Click below to fill in the relevant paper work and for full details including costs (£50):

Form A – candidate registration form

l1 umps


Please ensure all attached paper work is sent to myself either by email ([email protected]) or by post: Matt Gausden, 89 Conifer Rise, Westone, Northampton, NN3 3JY.

Payment can either be made by cheque (cheques payable to NSHC) or by bank transfer (club bank details attached).


We can only really accommodate around 20 people on this course so please do book this ASAP!


Any questions or queries please feel free to email [email protected] or contact Matt Gausden on 07708948646.

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