Club Social Events for April and June

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Saturday 13th April 2013

End of Season Black Tie Dinner at Northampton Saints Rugby Club’s home ground – Franklin’s Gardens

Tickets costs are as follows:

  • Over 18’s £37
  • Under 18’s & Full time students £32.

Price includes a live band, 3 course meal and much more.

Buy your ticket now! Tickets can be bought through:

  • Your captain;
  • A committee member;
  • Bank transfer.

If paying by bank transfer please include your name on the transfer.

Beneficiaries Name: Northampton Saints Hockey Club
Beneficiaries Bank: HSBC
Sort Code: 40-35-04
Account Number: 42057395


Facebook event:




We are in the early stages of organising an ‘Old School’ 7 a side mixed hockey tournament – old school in that it’s on grass! We’re just confirming the venue but we hope to hold this on the 8th June. Format of the day will be tournament followed by evening social and BBQ. To give us an indication of the number of teams to cater for please let us know if you’d be interested in entering a team or would like to take part.


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