Changes to Moulton Sports Complex

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As no doubt you are aware we have been presented with a change to the future management of the Sports Complex atMoulton School with Nuffield Health taking over the management of the Complex later this year.

Following the initial meeting with the school and members of Nuffield Health and the Parish council the Executive Committee of the hockey club met and considered our options.

We identified three namely:-

  1. Leaving the complex and searching for another playing and social base
  2. Continuing to play at the complex and finding another social base
  3. Working with the above parties to find a compromise to allow the club to stay at the complex and retain a social base.


At this time we are exploring the option of staying at the Sport Complex and working with Nuffield Health , Moulton School and the Parish Council. 

We have a meeting on Tuesday 8th and will publish updates as the situation develops. 

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