National Play Day Wednesday 11am to 4pm at Abington Park

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We are at the National Play Day  at Abington Park on Wednesday. I have got an England Hockey Gazebo and two goals for the event and 2500 flyers. We have 5 volunteers so far but as it looks a bit warm could do with a few more.
the plan is to get there for 11am to set up for 12 start , the day runs to 4pm and there  will be about 300 kids there attending various taster sessions.We will have basic skills exercises to give kids some idea of what to do, pushing, hitting, dribbling and then get them into a game. 
The idea is to give them experience of hockey as a game to see if they like it. 
so we will have 
  • the gazebo to man with leaflets
  • skills drills to complete
  • two to play games, one each side
  • one to hoover up kids and get them to take part as they pass the pitch
no refreshments are provided so bring water and some snacks, expect all types of weather
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