Important News regarding your 2014-15 Annual Subs
Dear Member,
We hope you are enjoying your break away from hockey and are looking forward to the upcoming season.
This is a short notification to inform you that subscriptions for the 2014-15 season are now due. As you are a registered member of the club, you should expect to receive and email from Northampton Hockey Club around the 15th August detailing that your account has been debited with the appropriate subscription amount, depending on your membership type.
The subscription rates have not changed from the previous season; however there are still a few important changes that you should be aware of:
· If you have a direct debit set up to pay subscriptions, the maximum monthly amount that GoCardless can collect is £40. This applies to everyone who is not a junior member.
· If you are a junior member (school age year 6 and below) then the collection of direct debit payments has been set up to take 7 instalments of £14.29.
Obviously the above only applies if you have set up a direct debit payment through the Northampton Hockey Club website. We would strongly recommend you do this as it makes collecting and paying subscriptions much more straightforward, as well as providing the option to pay your subscriptions off in more manageable chunks. Further information on how to do this can be found on page 5 of the downloadable document at:
If you wish to pay via a bank transfer then the club account details are as follows:
Account Number: 42057395
Sort Code: 40-35-04
Some of you may question why the subscription due date has moved to an earlier date in the year. This is as a result of several factors namely:
· The online system we use for collecting payments means that in order to ensure that the payments are paid in a timely manner we need to invoice the membership in August.
· From a financial point of view this is really important, as a club we have to pay the majority of our fixed costs in the period between August to October, such as affiliation fees, equipment and umpiring.
· And lastly from an organisational point of view, it means we can use less time chasing people for outstanding subscription fees and focus on playing and enjoying hockey!
Finally if there are any questions or queries on any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
This is especially important if you have left the club (and so are receiving this email in error) or feel that you have not been charged the correct subscription amount.
James Miller
Northampton HC