Launch of 121 sessions
The Exec Committee and some key coaches have been working with Moulton College to come up with a working model to allow us to take advantadge of the change in Government rules on exercise and contact last week.
So we are launching 121 coaching sessions on the sand pitch at the college.
We can now offer:- 121 coaching sessions with Ant, Jack or Jonno
Supervised family “play sessions” (you must all be in the same house).
There is a charge for these of £30 to cover coaches and the pitches and you can book via the link below. (Please dont just turn up as you will not be able to use the pitch).
Government rules say 1 v 1 sessions from different households are ok (with 2M social distancing) but we will not be running these as the College is largely unmanned so we need the coaches to be “in charge ” and this then makes it a 1-1-1 (three familes), which is against Government rules.
There are Health and Safety instructions on the page below and a map to explain how you access and leave the pitches. any questions or queries please contact Andy on 07725432013